Policy on University Recognition of Undergraduate Honor Societies
The University through its faculty in schools and academic departments alone reserves the right to bestow academic honors on its undergraduate students and to report such honors on students’ transcripts. Academic honors of various types are established and awarded by the relevant faculty body. The relevant body depends on the nature of the honor.
- In the case of honors for which students in a particular major are uniquely eligible, the authorizing body is the academic department or interdisciplinary program committee responsible for that major.
- In the case of honors for which students in a particular school are uniquely eligible, the authorizing body is the faculty of that school.
- In the case of honors for which all undergraduates are eligible, the authorizing body is the Council of Undergraduate Deans acting with the consent of the faculties of the separate undergraduate schools.
Release of Student Academic Status Information for Honor Society Selection
Student academic status information (eg. GPA, term standing, class rank/percent) may be released only in accordance with the University’s Policy On Confidentiality Of Student Records, particularly regarding designated directory information.
Student academic status information is not to be released to honor societies for recruiting purposes. This includes cohort information such as “names of students with a 3.2 or higher GPA.” Student academic status information may be utilized internally for selection purposes by Schools, Centers, or other University departments under the auspices of an officially designated selection committee and following the University’s Policy On Confidentiality Of Student Records.