Teaching, Learning, and Teacher Education, EdD

The Ed.D. in Teaching, Learning, and Teacher Education program has a strong commitment to educational practice and preparing scholar-practitioners. The program is designed to draw together course work, research apprenticeship, and other professional academic activities to build a complete professional program that is tailored to students’ interests and needs. Students devise an individualized program of study based on their research interests and in consultation with their advisor. Graduates serve as researchers and teacher educators in universities and colleges, curriculum developers and evaluators in educational agencies, curriculum specialists in school districts and state departments of education, and instructional leaders and classroom teachers in K-12 schools.


The program requires a minimum of 12 course units beyond the master's degree.

Conceptualization/Content Strand
Required Courses
EDUC 9126How People Learn: Theoretical Foundations1
EDUC 7140Social Foundations of Teaching and Learning1
Select 1 course in Teacher Learning or Teacher Education such as: 11
Research on Teacher Education and Learning to Teach
Elective Courses
Select a minimum of 3 electives 23
Investigation/Inquiry Strand
Required Courses
EDUC 7460Qualitative Research: Concepts, Methods and Design1
EDUC 7667Regression and Analysis of Variance1
Professional Experiences 3
Required Course
EDUC 7132Doctoral Proseminar on Education Research1
Select 3 electives3
Total Course Units12

Chosen in consultation with the advisor.


Electives may be taken outside of GSE with advisor approval. Electives must be 5000 level and above.


A non-credit bearing Research Apprenticeship Course is required from second semester of first year forward in the Professional Experiences Strand.

Required Milestones

Qualifications Evaluation (Also known as Program Candidacy)

The purpose of program candidacy is to provide rigorous review and feedback to Ed.D. students regarding their academic progress within the first two years of study. Program candidacy is a prerequisite to doctoral candidacy.

Preliminary Examinations (Also known as Doctoral Candidacy)

The preliminary examination is a test of knowledge in the candidate’s area of specialization. The examination requires students to demonstrate knowledge and reasoning in the key content areas in their specialization as specified by the academic division. The format of the examination varies from program to program, but must include at least six hours of examination, at least three hours of which must be written.

Oral Proposal

All doctoral candidates must present their dissertation proposals orally and in person to the dissertation committee.

Final Defense of the Dissertation

The final dissertation defense is approximately two hours in length and is based upon the candidate’s dissertation.

The degree and major requirements displayed are intended as a guide for students entering in the Fall of 2024 and later. Students should consult with their academic program regarding final certifications and requirements for graduation.