Statistics, Measurement, Assessment, and Research Technology, MSEd

The M.S.Ed. in Statistics, Measurement, Assessment, and Research Technology (SMART) program is designed to prepare individuals for work in research and assessment organizations, public institutions, and government agencies focused on education, psychology, and related human services fields. The program provides understanding and skills in data collection, management, and processing; measurement theory and test construction; survey design; design and execution of randomized controlled experiments and quasi-experiments; assessment strategies; and statistical analysis and reporting in education. Graduates of the SMART program go on to become researchers and statistical analysts in organizations such as school districts, government agencies, research centers, educational testing companies, and educational research institutes.


10 CUs are required for the Statistics, Measurement, Assessment, and Research Technology (SMART) MSEd Program.

Required Courses
EDUC 6625Data Processing and Analysis (Fall)1
EDUC 6680Evaluation of Policies, Programs and Projects1
EDUC 6683Survey Methods & Design (Spring)1
EDUC 6684Measurement & Assessment (Fall)1
EDUC 7667Regression and Analysis of Variance (Fall or Spring)1
EDUC 7668Measurement Theory and Test Construction (Spring)1
EDUC 8629Policy Research (Spring)1
Distribution Requirement 1
Select 1 Distribution course (Fall, Spring, or Summer)1
Elective Courses 2, 3
Select 2 elective courses (Fall, Spring, or Summer)2
Total Course Units10

Candidates for the MSEd degree must demonstrate knowledge of the field of education beyond the area of specialization. This requirement is met by satisfying the distribution requirement. To meet the distribution requirement students must complete one approved graduate level (5000 or above) GSE course outside the academic division in which they are enrolled, earning a grade of 'B' or better.


Students are required to take two elective courses at the 5000 level or above. These courses can be taken at other Penn schools with permission from the advisor and the school in question. The student must also earn a grade of 'B' or better


The SMART Program of study for the M.S.Ed. degree requires that students have had an introductory statistics course, such as EDUC 6667 or its equivalent, prior to entering the SMART Program. If it is discovered that an entering student is insufficiently prepared in statistics, the student will be required to enroll in EDUC 6667.  This will count as an elective in the student’s required 10 CUs.  The SMART requirement for a student having had EDUC 6667, or its equivalent, prior to program entry applies to all part-time and all full- time students entering the program, whether employed by the university or not.   

Comprehensive Examination

Toward the end of completion of course requirements, master's students are required to pass a general examination in the core content of SMART.


Anticipated graduation under this plan can be either May, August, or December.

The degree and major requirements displayed are intended as a guide for students entering in the Fall of 2024 and later. Students should consult with their academic program regarding final certifications and requirements for graduation.