Public Health, MPH

The University of Pennsylvania (Penn) Master of Public Health Program is a university-wide, interdisciplinary and interprofessional graduate program. The Penn MPH Program prepares students to be public health leaders by integrating research, education, and service to promote the health of populations locally, nationally, and globally. With a 5:1 student to faculty ratio, students have access to public health experts who will mentor them from coursework through their Capstone projects. The program is flexible, allowing for both full-time and part-time study. Students typically complete the program in two years as a full-time student or three years as a part-time student. All MPH students have the same core requirements, including 6 required core courses, two semesters of Capstone Seminar, and Fieldwork Experience. Students take 6 electives based on their chosen track. As part of their choice of electives, students can take up to 3 graduate-level public health courses from anywhere across the University to leverage the program's interdisciplinary nature.

Generalist Track

The Generalist Track offers students the opportunity to develop an individualized program of study in their elective course choices. The flexibility of this track allows students to focus on the specific knowledge, skills, and abilities they seek from a broad and deep set of electives, the Capstone project, and required Fieldwork experience.

Global Health Track

The Global Health Track offers a curriculum designed specifically for applicants to the interdisciplinary Master of Public Health Program who are interested in both the theory and practice of global public health. The Global Health Track works closely with the Center for Global Health, which offers a vast network of faculty and facilitates connections for students to explore global experiences that could satisfy Fieldwork or Capstone.

One Health Track

The One Health Track offers a curriculum designed specifically for applicants who are interested in the intersection between animals, humans, and the environment. Key strengths of this track are the close ties between the MPH program and the School of Veterinary Medicine, who are one of the leaders in the field of One Health.

Epidemiology Track

The Epidemiology Track offers a highly focused curriculum specifically for MPH applicants with career goals as a research epidemiologist, data analyst, or epidemiologic practitioner. This is a small and highly competitive track that is limited to full-time students. The track was created in partnership with the Graduate Group of Epidemiology and Biostatistics (GGEB), which manages the Epidemiology PhD program in the Department of Biostatistics, Epidemiology, and Informatics (DBEI).


Students must complete 14 course units of coursework and a minimum of 125 hours of fieldwork. Students must maintain a GPA of 3.0 or better and must achieve a B- or higher in each course to receive credit toward the degree.

Core Courses
PUBH 5010Introduction to Biostatistics1
PUBH 5020Introduction to the Principles and Methods of Epidemiology1
PUBH 5040Public Health Theories & Frameworks1
PUBH 5050Public Health Policy & Administration1
PUBH 5060Methods for Public Health Practice1
PUBH 5070Public Health Law & Ethics1
PUBH 7080Capstone Seminar I1
PUBH 7090Capstone Seminar II1
Fieldwork (minimum 125 hours)
Select 6 course units of electives 16
Total Course Units14

Please note elective choices will vary based on track selection.

Generalist Track

Generalist Track Electives
Select one course from the following Generalist Required Track Electives (RTEs):1
Foundations of Global Health
Advanced Leadership Skills in Community Health
Qualitative Research Methods in Public Health
Epidemiology & Control of Infectious Diseases
Interpreting Epidemiologic Literature to Inform & Influence
Advanced Local Policymaking
Design for Health Behavior Change
Mathematical Modeling of Infectious Diseases
Program Evaluation in Public Health
Advocacy & Public Health: Turning Knowledge into Action
Law as an Instrument of Behavior Change
Select five course units in consultation with advisor5
Total Course Units6

Global Health 

Global Health Track Electives
Select one course from the following Global Health Required Track Electives (RTEs):1
Foundations of Global Health
Health & Human Rights
Global Health Policy & Delivery
Select two course units related to Global Health2
Select three course units in consultation with advisor3
Total Course Units6

One Health Track 

One Health Track Electives
Must take the following course:1
One Health Study Design Seminar
Select one additional course from the following One Health Required Track Electives (RTEs):1
Public Health Nutrition
Science & Politics of Food
Select four course units in consultation with advisor4
Total Course Units6

Epidemiology Track 

Epidemiology Track Electives
Must take the following courses: 2
Data Science for Biomedical Informatics
Advanced topics in Epidemiologic Research
Select two additional PUBH prefix electives in consultation with advisor2
Select two additional EPID, BMIN, or BTSA prefix electives in consulation with advisor2
Total Course Units6

The degree and major requirements displayed are intended as a guide for students entering in the Fall of 2024 and later. Students should consult with their academic program regarding final certifications and requirements for graduation.