Biology, PhD

The Biology Graduate Program represents many areas of biology, and interactions with a diverse group of colleagues provide opportunities to broaden every student’s thinking and make connections between different fields and scientific approaches. Areas of research include microbiology, cell biology, development, physiology, neuroscience, animal behavior, plant biology, genetics, computational biology, evolution, ecology and biodiversity. 

Each entering graduate student has the freedom to pursue topics ranging from the behavior of molecules to that of cells, organisms, genomes, and ecosystems. We encourage students to get broad exposure through lab rotations with any faculty member in the Biology Graduate Group. As students focus on more specific research interests, they tailor their graduate education accordingly, choosing courses from different departments and schools at Penn as appropriate.

Students complete most of their course work and lab rotations in the first year and then start their thesis research in the second year while completing their teaching requirement and preparing for their candidacy exams.  Students are then fully focused on thesis research by the end of the second year.  Students still have the option of taking additional courses in advanced years in order to enhance their graduate research.

View the University’s Academic Rules for PhD Programs.

Required Courses

The total course units for graduation in this program is 13.5.

Foundation Course
BIOL 7000Advanced Topics in Current Biological Research1
Writing Requirement
BIOL 6010Communication for Biologists1
Core Courses
Select two of the following:2
Advanced Evolution
Evolutionary Ecology
Theoretical Population Biology
Genetic Analysis
Cell Biology
Select three electives 13
Independent Study and Research6.5
Independent Study and Research

See the website for a list of electives:

The degree and major requirements displayed are intended as a guide for students entering in the Fall of 2024 and later. Students should consult with their academic program regarding final certifications and requirements for graduation.

Sample Plan of Study

Year 1
Advanced Topics in Current Biological Research
Cell Biology
Advanced Evolution
Independent Study and Research
Genetic Analysis
Evolutionary Ecology
Theoretical Population Biology
Independent Study and Research
Independent Study and Research
Thesis Research
Year 2
Additional Coursework
Independent Study and Research
Teaching Requirement
Communication for Biologists
Additional Coursework
Independent Study and Research
Teaching Requirement
Candidacy Exam
Year 3 and Beyond