Wharton Communication Program (WHCP)

WHCP 6110 Management Communication

Description: WHCP 6110 is the first course of the Management Communication core requirement. In this seminar-style course, students learn the essentials of persuasion, gain confidence in public speaking, and receive individualized feedback on both speaking and writing. The course enables students to develop and demonstrate effective, business-oriented communication skills, regardless of their skill level. Students may select a section designed specifically for non-native English speakers. Communication topics covered in all sections include: persuasion, organization and delivery of speeches, defending one's view before adversarial audiences, impromptu and prepared speeches, effective use of data, and dealing effectively with the media. Each student will learn successful communication strategies, and gain confidence using them. Students have the opportunity to receive instructor and peer feedback in the classroom, as well as one-on-one feedback and coaching from instructors and second-year Wharton Communication Fellows. WHCP6110 is offered in Q1 and Q2.

0.25 Course Units

WHCP 6120 Advanced Persuasive Speaking

WHCP 612 instructs students in the theory and practice of Advanced Persuasion. There are three variants: Crisis Communication; Impromptu Speaking and Elements of Story for Business; and Fundamentals for Prospective Entrepreneurs. All variants include a focus on advanced persuasive frameworks and techniques, and cover the skills of impromptu speaking and speaking under pressure. Students will have ample opportunity for speaking practice and receiving feedback from peers and their instructor.

0.25 Course Units

WHCP 6140 Management Communication


0.25 Course Units

WHCP 6150 Communication Challenges for Entrepreneurs

Designed for students who are actively working on a startup idea while at Wharton, this course focuses on the unique challenges entrepreneurs face when communicating their startup to investors. Students will develop a pitch deck to concisely and persuasively communicate their company's product/service, market opportunity, value proposition, competitive advantage, business model, and revenue potential. Students will also receive coaching from a successful entrepreneur and have the opportunity to pitch their business idea to investors. Before the first day of class, students must have these components of an executive summary: company description, product/service description, business model, market/industry analysis, marketing/sales plan, competitor analysis, risk factors, and management team. Later in the course students will present their financials - including use of funds and funds required.

0.25 Course Units

WHCP 6160 Management Communication

This course focuses on how to clearly and persuasively articulate, advocate for, and defend your views in various business settings. You will learn the essentials of persuasion, gain confidence in presenting, and receive individualized feedback from instructors and second year TAs (Wharton Communication Fellows). Regardless of your skill level upon entry to the course, you will develop and demonstrate effective, business-oriented communication skills. Students will practice these skills through in-class exercises, discussions, and small-group labs led by the Communication Fellows (TAs).

0.5 Course Units

WHCP 6180 Entrepreneurial Communication

Designed for students who are actively working on a business idea while at Wharton, this course focuses on the unique challenges entrepreneurs face when communicating their ideas, vision, and strategy – both externally and internally. Students will analyze a broad spectrum of startup audiences, from investors to employees. Using their own ideas, they will learn frameworks and templates for persuasively communicating their business story from inception to launch, including communicating the founder’s story and the business opportunity. Students will hone their pitch decks and receive coaching from a successful entrepreneur. At the conclusion of the course, students will have the opportunity to pitch their business idea to local investors. Students will practice these skills through in-class exercises, discussions, and small-group labs led by the Communication Fellows (TAs).

0.5 Course Units

WHCP 6190 Management Communication: Advanced Persuasion

0.25 Course Units

WHCP 6200 The Wharton MBA Writing Requirement

Description:This course teaches students to write clearly and concisely, focusing on the types of persuasive messages they are likely to encounter at Wharton and in their careers. Each incoming student will work with a writing coach who will offer feedback tailored to students' individual strengths and weaknesses as writers. Students will write seven short assignments that will be evaluated on the following five criteria: Focus & Meaning; Content & Development; Organization; Language Use, Voice & Style; and Mechanics & Conventions.

0 Course Units

WHCP 6240 Persuasive Writing for Business Leaders

0.25 Course Units