BE 4700 | Medical Devices | 1 |
BE 4720 | Medical Device Development | 1 |
BE 5020 | From Biomedical Science to the Marketplace | 1 |
BE 5140 | Rehab Engineering and Design | 1 |
BE 5280 | Applied Medical Innovation I | 1 |
BE 5290 | Applied Medical Innovation II | 1 |
BE 5620 | Drug Discovery and Development | 1 |
BE 6080 | Medical Entrepreneurship: Commercializing Translational Science | 1 |
CBE 3200 | Basic Chemical Process Safety | 1 |
CBE 4000 | Introduction to Product and Process Design | 1 |
CBE 4590 | Product and Process Design Projects | 1 |
CBE 5620 | Drug Discovery and Development | 1 |
EAS 2030 | Engineering Ethics | 1 |
EAS 5070 | Intellectual Property and Business Law for Engineers | 1 |
EAS 5120 | Engineering Negotiation | 1 |
EAS 5410 | Engineering Entrepreneurship Fellows I | 1 |
EAS 5430 | Engineering Entrepreneurship Fellows II | 1 |
EAS 5490 | Engineering Entrepreneurship Lab | 1 |
EAS 5900 | Commercializing Information Technology | 1 |
EAS 5950 | Foundations of Leadership | 1 |
ENGR 1400 | Penn Global Seminar: Robotics and Rehabilitation | 1 |
ENGR 5400 | Engineering Economics | 1 |
ESE 4000 | Engineering Economics | 1 |
ESE 4440 | Project Management | 1 |
ESE 5400 | Engineering Economics | 1 |
ESE 5430 | Human Systems Engineering | 1 |
ESE 5440 | Project Management | 1 |
FNCE 2500 | Venture Capital and the Finance of Innovation | 1 |
HCMG 2150 | Management and Economics of Pharmaceutical and Biotech Industries | 1 |
HCMG 3910 | Health Care Entrepreneurship | 1 |
HCMG 8530 | Management and Strategy in Medical Devices and Technology | 1 |
HCMG 8630 | Management and Economics of Pharmaceutical and Biotech Industries | 0.5-1 |
HCMG 8670 | Health Care Entrepreneurship | 0.5 |
HSOC 1330 | Bioethics | 1 |
IPD 5040 | Rehab Engineering and Design | 1 |
IPD 5090 | Needfinding | 1 |
IPD 5140 | Design for Manufacturability | 1 |
IPD 5150 | Product Design | 1 |
IPD 5520 | Problem Framing | 1 |
LAW 5070 | Introduction to Intellectual Property | 3 |
LAW 6770 | Patent Law | 1-4 |
LAWM 5280 | ML: General Business Law | 3 |
LGST 1000 | Ethics and Social Responsibility | 1 |
LGST 1008 | Ethics and Social Responsibility | 1 |
LGST 2220 | Internet Law, Privacy, and Cybersecurity | 1 |
MEAM 4110 | How to Make Things: Production Prototyping Studio | 1 |
MEAM 4150 | Product Design | 1 |
MEAM 5140 | Design for Manufacturability | 1 |
MGMT 2380 | Organizational Behavior | 1 |
MGMT 2640 | Venture Capital and Entrepreneurial Management | 1 |
MGMT 2670 | Entrepreneurship and Technological Innovation | 0.5 |
MKTG 2270 | Digital Marketing and Electronic Commerce | 0.5 |
MKTG 2410 | Entrepreneurial Marketing | 0.5 |
MKTG 7410 | Entrepreneurial Marketing | 0.5 |
MTR 6200 | Medical Entrepreneurship: Commercializing Translational Science | 1 |
NETS 1120 | Networked Life | 1 |
NURS 3570 | Case Study: Innovation in Health: Foundations of Design Thinking & Equity-centered Design | 1 |
NURS 3670 | Case Study: Principles of Palliative Care | 1 |
NURS 5530 | Innovation & Applied Technology in Health Care | 0.5 |
NURS 5730 | Innovation in Health: Foundations of Design Thinking | 1 |
OIDD 2220 | Internet Law, Privacy, and Cybersecurity | 1 |
OIDD 2360 | Scaling Operations in Technology Ventures: Linking Strategy and Execution | 1 |
OIDD 3140 | Enabling Technologies | 0.5-1 |
OIDD 4110 | How to Make Things: Production Prototyping Studio | 1 |
OIDD 4150 | Product Design | 1 |
OIDD 5150 | Product Design | 1 |
OIDD 6590 | Advanced Topics | 0.5 |
PHIL 1342 | Bioethics | 1 |
REG 6120 | Introduction to Drug Development | 1 |
SOCI 2971 | Bioethics | 1 |
VIPR 1200 | Vagelos Integrated Program in Energy Research (VIPER) Seminar, Part I | 0.5 |
VIPR 1210 | Vagelos Integrated Program in Energy Research (VIPER) Seminar, Part II | 0.5 |