AMCS 5461 | Advanced Applied Probability | 1 |
AMCS 6081 | Analysis | 1 |
AMCS 6091 | Analysis | 1 |
AMCS 6481 | Probability Theory | 1 |
ASTR 1211 | Introduction to Astrophysics I | 1 |
ASTR 1212 | Introduction to Astrophysics II | 1 |
ASTR 1250 | Astronomical Techniques | 1 |
ASTR 3392 | Life and Death of Stars | 1 |
BBCB 5810 | Techniques of Magnetic Resonance Imaging | 1 |
BCHE 2280 | Physical Models of Biological Systems | 1 |
BE 1000 | Introduction to Bioengineering | 0.5 |
BE 2000 | Introduction to Biomechanics | 1 |
BE 2200 | Biomaterials | 1 |
BE 3010 | Bioengineering Signals and Systems | 1 |
BE 3090 | Bioengineering Modeling, Analysis and Design Laboratory I | 1 |
BE 3100 | Bioengineering Modeling, Analysis and Design Laboratory II | 1 |
BE 3300 | Self-Assembly of Soft Materials | 1 |
BE 3500 | Introduction to Biotransport Processes | 1 |
BE 4000 | Preceptorship in Clinical Bioengineering | 1 |
BE 4700 | Medical Devices | 1 |
BE 4800 | Introduction to Biomedical Imaging | 1 |
BE 4900 | Independent Project in Bioengineering | 1 |
BE 4920 | Independent Project in Bioengineering | 1 |
BE 4950 | Senior Design Project | 1 |
BE 4960 | Senior Design Project | 1 |
BE 4970 | Senior Thesis in Biomedical Science | 1 |
BE 5020 | From Biomedical Science to the Marketplace | 1 |
BE 5100 | Biomechanics and Biotransport | 1 |
BE 5120 | Bioengineering III: Biomaterials | 1 |
BE 5180 | Optical Microscopy | 1 |
BE 5300 | Theoretical and Computational Neuroscience | 1 |
BE 5370 | Biomedical Image Analysis | 1 |
BE 5400 | Principles of Molecular and Cellular Bioengineering | 1 |
BE 5500 | Continuum Tissue Mechanics | 1 |
BE 5530 | Principles, Methods, and Applications of Tissue Engineering | 1 |
BE 5550 | Nanoscale Systems Biology | 1 |
BE 5620 | Drug Discovery and Development | 1 |
BE 5650 | Developmental Engineering of Tissues | 1 |
BE 5660 | Networked Neuroscience | 1 |
BE 5850 | Materials for Bioelectronics | 1 |
BE 6620 | Advanced Molecular Thermodynamics | 1 |
BE 8990 | PhD Independent Study | 1-4 |
BE 9950 | Doctoral Dissertation Status | 0 |
BE 9990 | Thesis/Dissertation Research | 1-4 |
BEPP 7610 | Risk Analysis and Environmental Management | 1 |
BIOL 1101 | Introduction to Biology A | 1.5 |
BIOL 1102 | Introduction to Biology B | 1.5 |
BIOL 1110 | Introduction to Brain and Behavior | 1 |
BIOL 1121 | Introduction to Biology - The Molecular Biology of Life | 1 |
BIOL 1123 | Introductory Molecular Biology Laboratory | .5 |
BIOL 1124 | Introductory Organismal Biology Lab | .5 |
BIOL 1604 | Humans and the Environment | 1 |
BIOL 2001 | Essentials of Cell Biology | 1 |
BIOL 2010 | Cell Biology | 1 |
BIOL 2110 | Molecular and Cellular Neurobiology | 1 |
BIOL 2140 | Evolution of Behavior: Animal Behavior | 1 |
BIOL 2201 | Essentials of Molecular Biology and Genetics | 1 |
BIOL 2210 | Molecular Biology and Genetics | 1 |
BIOL 2410 | Evolutionary Biology | 1 |
BIOL 2610 | Ecology: From individuals to ecosystems | 1 |
BIOL 2801 | Essentials of Biochemistry | 1 |
BIOL 2810 | Biochemistry | 1 |
BIOL 3004 | Infectious Disease Biology | 1 |
BIOL 3006 | Histology | 1 |
BIOL 3054 | Developmental Biology | 1 |
BIOL 3313 | Essentials of Pathophysiology | 1 |
BIOL 3430 | Comparative Vertebrate Anatomy and Evolution | 1 |
BIOL 3625 | Marine Biology | 1 |
BIOL 3999 | Independent Study | 1 |
BIOL 4004 | Immunobiology | 1 |
BIOL 4010 | Advanced Cell Biology | 1 |
BIOL 4016 | Molecular Mechanisms of Infectious Disease Biology | 1 |
BIOL 4077 | The Science and Art of Biotechnology | 1 |
BIOL 4110 | Neural Systems and Behavior | 1 |
BIOL 4116 | Neural Circuits for Survival | 1 |
BIOL 4142 | Neurobiology of Learning and Memory | 1 |
BIOL 4210 | Molecular Genetics | 1 |
BIOL 4231 | Genome Science and Genomic Medicine | 1 |
BIOL 4233 | Genes in Conflict: How sex and selfish genetic elements drive genome evolution | 1 |
BIOL 4234 | Epigenetics | 1 |
BIOL 4235 | The RNA World: A functional and computational analysis | 1 |
BIOL 4313 | Energy Transformations and Living off-the-Grid | 1 |
BIOL 4314 | Molecular Evolution of Physiological Functions | 1 |
BIOL 4318 | Systems Biology: Integrative physiology and biomechanics of the muscular system | 1 |
BIOL 4410 | Advanced Evolution | 1 |
BIOL 4411 | Evolutionary Ecology | 1 |
BIOL 4430 | Evolution and Ecology of Infectious Diseases | 1 |
BIOL 4517 | Theoretical Population Biology | 1 |
BIOL 4536 | Introduction to Computational Biology & Biological Modeling | 1 |
BIOL 4600 | Field Botany | 1 |
BIOL 4615 | Freshwater Ecology | 1 |
BIOL 4623 | Plant Ecology | 1 |
BIOL 4701 | Prokaryotic Microbiology: A Pragmatic View | 1 |
BIOL 4710 | Topics in Prokaryotic Biology: From Molecules to Microbiomes | 1 |
BIOL 4825 | Biochemistry and Molecular Genetics Superlab | 1 |
BIOL 4999 | Advanced Independent Study | 1 |
BIOL 5010 | Advanced Cell Biology | 1 |
BIOL 5016 | Molecular Mechanisms of Infectious Disease Biology | 1 |
BIOL 5022 | Cell Signaling | 1 |
BIOL 5116 | Neural Circuits for Survival | 1 |
BIOL 5220 | Human Evolutionary Genomics | 1 |
BIOL 5231 | Genome Science and Genomic Medicine | 1 |
BIOL 5233 | Genes in Conflict: How sex and selfish genetic elements drive genome evolution | 1 |
BIOL 5234 | Epigenetics | 1 |
BIOL 5240 | Genetic Analysis | 1 |
BIOL 5314 | Molecular Evolution of Physiological Functions | 1 |
BIOL 5318 | Systems Biology: Integrative physiology and biomechanics of the muscular system | 1 |
BIOL 5410 | Evolutionary Biology | 1 |
BIOL 5430 | Evolution and Ecology of Infectious Diseases | 1 |
BIOL 5510 | Statistics for Biologists | 1 |
BIOL 5517 | Theoretical Population Biology | 1 |
BIOL 5535 | Introduction to Computational Biology & Biological Modeling | 1 |
BIOL 5536 | Fundamentals of Computational Biology | 1 |
BIOL 5615 | Freshwater Ecology | 1 |
BIOL 5720 | Topics in Prokaryotic Biology: From Molecules to Microbiomes | 1 |
BIOL 5825 | Biochemistry and Molecular Genetics Superlab | 1 |
BIOL 5999 | Master's Independent Study | 0.5-3 |
BIOL 7000 | Advanced Topics in Current Biological Research | 1 |
BIOL 9999 | Independent Study and Research | 0.5-4 |
BIOM 5350 | Introduction to Bioinformatics | 1 |
CAMB 4310 | Genome Science and Genomic Medicine | 1 |
CAMB 4800 | Advanced Cell Biology | 1 |
CAMB 4830 | Epigenetics | 1 |
CAMB 4850 | The RNA World: A functional and computational analysis | 1 |
CAMB 5220 | Human Evolutionary Genomics | 1 |
CBE 1500 | Introduction to Biotechnology | 1 |
CBE 1600 | Introduction to Chemical Engineering | 1 |
CBE 2300 | Material and Energy Balances of Chemical Processes | 1 |
CBE 2310 | Thermodynamics of Fluids | 1 |
CBE 3300A | Discover, Design, Build and Test: A Hands-On Introduction to Product and Device Design | 0-0.5 |
CBE 3300B | Discover, Design, Build and Test: A Hands-On Introduction to Product and Device Design | 0-0.5 |
CBE 3500 | Fluid Mechanics | 1 |
CBE 3510 | Heat and Mass Transport | 1 |
CBE 3530 | Molecular Thermodynamics and Chemical Kinetics | 1 |
CBE 3710 | Separation Processes | 1 |
CBE 3750 | Engineering and the Environment | 1 |
CBE 4000 | Introduction to Product and Process Design | 1 |
CBE 4100 | Chemical Engineering Laboratory | 1 |
CBE 4215 | Energy and Sustainability: Science, Engineering and Technology | 1 |
CBE 4300 | Introduction to Polymers | 1 |
CBE 4470 | Societally Significant Soft Matter Solutions | 1 |
CBE 4510 | Chemical Reactor Design | 1 |
CBE 4590 | Product and Process Design Projects | 1 |
CBE 4790 | Biotechnology and Biochemical Engineering | 1 |
CBE 4800 | Laboratory in Biotechnology and Biochemical Engineering | 1 |
CBE 5000 | Special Topics in Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering | 1 |
CBE 5080 | Probability and Statistics for Biotechnology | 1 |
CBE 5100 | Introduction to Polymers | 1 |
CBE 5215 | Energy and Sustainability: Science, Engineering and Technology | 1 |
CBE 5270 | Advancements and Applications in Genome Editing and Engineering | 1 |
CBE 5300 | Electrochemistry Fundamentals, Practices, and Analysis | 1 |
CBE 5310 | Nano-Transport | 1 |
CBE 5400 | Principles of Molecular and Cellular Bioengineering | 1 |
CBE 5430 | Sustainable Development of Water Resource Systems | 1 |
CBE 5450 | Electrochemical Energy Conversion and Storage | 1 |
CBE 5470 | Societally Significant Soft Matter Solutions | 1 |
CBE 5540 | Engineering Biotechnology | 1 |
CBE 5550 | Nanoscale Systems Biology | 1 |
CBE 5570 | Stem Cells, Proteomics and Drug Delivery - Soft Matter Fundamentals | 1 |
CBE 5620 | Drug Discovery and Development | 1 |
CBE 5640 | Drug Delivery Systems: Targeted Therapeutics and Translational Nanomedicine | 1 |
CBE 5800 | Masters Biotechnology Lab | 1 |
CBE 5801 | Laboratory in Biotechnology and Biochemical Engineering | 1 |
CBE 6010 | Deep Learning for Scientists and Engineers | 1 |
CBE 6180 | Advanced Molecular Thermodynamics | 1 |
CBE 6210 | Advanced Chemical Kinetics and Reactor Design | 1 |
CBE 6400 | Transport Processes I | 1 |
CBE 8990 | Independent Study | 1-4 |
CBE 9950 | Dissertation | 0 |
CBE 9990 | Thesis/Dissertation Research | 1-4 |
CHEM 1022 | General Chemistry II | 1 |
CHEM 1101 | General Chemistry Laboratory I | .5 |
CHEM 1102 | General Chemistry Laboratory II | .5 |
CHEM 2210 | Physical Chemistry I | 1 |
CHEM 2220 | Physical Chemistry II | 1 |
CHEM 2230 | Experimental Physical Chemistry I | 1 |
CHEM 2410 | Principles of Organic Chemistry I | 1 |
CHEM 2420 | Principles of Organic Chemistry II | 1 |
CHEM 2451 | Experimental Organic Chemistry A | .5 |
CHEM 2460 | Advanced Synthesis and Spectroscopy Laboratory | 1 |
CHEM 2510 | Principles of Biological Chemistry | 1 |
CHEM 2999 | Directed Study and Seminar | 1 |
CHEM 3999 | Independent Research | 1 |
CHEM 5210 | Statistical Mechanics I | 1 |
CHEM 5220 | Statistical Mechanics II | 1 |
CHEM 5230 | Quantum Chemistry I | 1 |
CHEM 5240 | Quantum Chemistry II | 1 |
CHEM 5250 | Molecular Spectroscopy | 0.5 |
CHEM 5260 | Chemical Dynamics | 1 |
CHEM 5410 | Chemical Kinetics | 0.5 |
CHEM 5411 | Physical Organic Chemistry | 1 |
CHEM 5430 | Modern Organic Synthesis | 1 |
CHEM 5440 | Organic Reaction Mechanisms | 1 |
CHEM 5510 | Biological Chemistry I | 1 |
CHEM 5520 | Biological Chemistry II | 1 |
CHEM 5570 | Mechanisms of Biological Catalysis | 1 |
CHEM 5620 | Inorganic Chemistry II | 1 |
CHEM 5640 | Organometallics | 1 |
CHEM 5650 | Main Group Chemistry | 1 |
CHEM 6520 | Proposal Writing for Biological and Physical Chemists | 0.5 |
CHEM 9999 | Independent Study and Research | 0.5-4 |
CIS 1100 | Introduction to Computer Programming | 1 |
CIS 1200 | Programming Languages and Techniques I | 1 |
CIS 1210 | Programming Languages and Techniques II | 1 |
CIS 1600 | Mathematical Foundations of Computer Science | 1 |
CIS 1901 | C++ Programming | 0-0.5 |
CIS 1902 | Python Programming | 0-0.5 |
CIS 1903 | Go Programming | 0-0.5 |
CIS 1904 | Introduction to Haskell Programming | 0-0.5 |
CIS 1905 | Rust Programming | 0-0.5 |
CIS 1911 | Using and Understanding Unix and Linux | 0-0.5 |
CIS 1912 | DevOps | 0-0.5 |
CIS 1921 | Solving Hard Problems in Practice | 0-0.5 |
CIS 1951 | iOS Programming | 0-0.5 |
CIS 1952 | Android Programming | 0-0.5 |
CIS 1961 | Ruby on Rails Web Development | 0-0.5 |
CIS 1962 | JavaScript Programming | 0-0.5 |
CIS 1990 | Special Topics | 0-0.5 |
CIS 2330 | Introduction to Blockchain | 1 |
CIS 2400 | Introduction to Computer Systems | 1 |
CIS 2450 | Big Data Analytics | 1 |
CIS 2610 | Discrete Probability, Stochastic Processes, and Statistical Inference | 1 |
CIS 2620 | Automata, Computability, and Complexity | 1 |
CIS 3200 | Introduction to Algorithms | 1 |
CIS 3340 | Advanced Topics in Algorithms | 1 |
CIS 3410 | Compilers and Interpreters | 1 |
CIS 3500 | Software Design/Engineering | 1 |
CIS 3900 | Robotics: Planning Perception | 1 |
CIS 3980 | Quantum Computer and Information Science | 1 |
CIS 3990 | Special Topics | 0.5-1 |
CIS 4000 | Senior Project | 1 |
CIS 4010 | Senior Project | 1 |
CIS 4100 | CIS Senior Thesis | 1 |
CIS 4120 | Introduction to Human Computer Interaction | 1 |
CIS 4300 | Natural Language Processing | 1 |
CIS 4360 | Introduction to Computational Biology & Biological Modeling | 1 |
CIS 4410 | Embedded Software for Life-Critical Applications | 1 |
CIS 4480 | Operating Systems Design and Implementation | 1 |
CIS 4500 | Database and Information Systems | 1 |
CIS 4510 | Computer and Network Security | 1 |
CIS 4550 | Internet and Web Systems | 1 |
CIS 4600 | Interactive Computer Graphics | 1 |
CIS 4610 | Advanced Rendering | 1 |
CIS 4620 | Computer Animation | 1 |
CIS 4710 | Computer Organization and Design | 1 |
CIS 4810 | Computer Vision & Computational Photography | 1 |
CIS 5000 | Software Foundations | 1 |
CIS 5010 | Computer Architecture | 1 |
CIS 5020 | Analysis of Algorithms | 1 |
CIS 5050 | Software Systems | 1 |
CIS 5110 | Theory of Computation | 1 |
CIS 5120 | Introduction to Human Computer Interaction | 1 |
CIS 5150 | Fundamentals of Linear Algebra and Optimization | 1 |
CIS 5180 | Topics in Logic: Finite Model Theory and Descriptive Complexity | 1 |
CIS 5200 | Machine Learning | 1 |
CIS 5210 | Artificial Intelligence | 1 |
CIS 5300 | Natural Language Processing | 1 |
CIS 5350 | Introduction to Bioinformatics | 1 |
CIS 5360 | Fundamentals of Computational Biology | 1 |
CIS 5370 | Biomedical Image Analysis | 1 |
CIS 5400 | Principles of Embedded Computation | 1 |
CIS 5410 | Embedded Software for Life-Critical Applications | 1 |
CIS 5420 | Embedded Systems Programming | 1 |
CIS 5450 | Big Data Analytics | 1 |
CIS 5480 | Operating Systems Design and Implementation | 1 |
CIS 5500 | Database and Information Systems | 1 |
CIS 5510 | Computer and Network Security | 1 |
CIS 5520 | Advanced Programming | 1 |
CIS 5550 | Internet and Web Systems | 1 |
CIS 5560 | Cryptography | 1 |
CIS 5570 | Programming for the Web | 1 |
CIS 5600 | Interactive Computer Graphics | 1 |
CIS 5610 | Advanced Computer Graphics | 1 |
CIS 5620 | Computer Animation | 1 |
CIS 5640 | Game Design and Development | 1 |
CIS 5710 | Computer Organization and Design | 1 |
CIS 5730 | Software Engineering | 1 |
CIS 5800 | Machine Perception | 1 |
CIS 5810 | Computer Vision & Computational Photography | 1 |
CIS 6100 | Advanced Geometric Methods in Computer Science | 1 |
CIS 6200 | Advanced Topics in Machine Learning | 1 |
CIS 6300 | Advanced Topics in Natural Language Processing | 1 |
CIS 6400 | Advance Topics in Software Systems: Data Driven IoT/Edge Computing | 1 |
CIS 6500 | Advanced Topics in Databases | 1 |
CIS 6600 | Advanced Topics in Computer Graphics and Animation | 1 |
CIS 6700 | Advanced Topics in Programming Languages | 1 |
CIS 6730 | Computer-Aided Verification | 1 |
CIS 6770 | Advanced Topics in Algorithms and Complexity | 1 |
CIS 6800 | Advanced Topics in Machine Perception | 1 |
CIS 6820 | Friendly Logics | 1 |
CIS 7000 | Special Topics | 1 |
CIS 8990 | Doctoral Independent Study | 1-4 |
CIS 9950 | Dissertation | 0 |
CIS 9990 | Thesis/Dissertation Research | 1-4 |
CPLN 7500 | Advanced Transportation Seminar | 1 |
EESC 1090 | Introduction to Geotechnical Science | 1.5 |
EESC 5400 | Evolution/Revolution of Land Ecosystems | 1 |
EESC 6200 | Advanced Geochemistry | 1 |
EESC 6540 | Advanced Paleoecology Discovering Lost Ecosystems | 1 |
EESC 6610 | Sustainable Development of Water Resource Systems | 1 |
ENGR 1010 | Introduction to Engineering: Energy, Environment and Sustainability | 1 |
ENGR 1050 | Introduction to Scientific Computing | 1 |
ENGR 1400 | Penn Global Seminar: Robotics and Rehabilitation | 1 |
ENGR 2120 | Concepts in Micro- and Nanotechnology | 1 |
ENGR 2500 | Energy Systems, Resources and Technology | 1 |
ENGR 3300A | Discover, Design, Build and Test: A Hands-On Introduction to Product and Device Design | 0-0.5 |
ENGR 3300B | Discover, Design, Build and Test: A Hands-On Introduction to Product and Device Design | 0-0.5 |
ENGR 4215 | Energy and Sustainability: Science, Engineering and Technology | 1 |
ENGR 4500 | Modern Biotechnology for Engineers | 1 |
ENGR 5030 | Engineering in Oil, Gas and Coal, from Production to End Use | 1 |
ENGR 5040 | Fundamental Concepts in Nanotechnology | 1 |
ENGR 5215 | Energy and Sustainability: Science, Engineering and Technology | 1 |
ENGR 5500 | Modern Biotechnology for Engineers | 1 |
ENM 2510 | Analytical Methods for Engineering | 1 |
ENM 3600 | Introduction to Data-driven Modeling | 1 |
ENM 3750 | Biological Data Science I - Fundamentals of Biostatistics | 1 |
ENM 5020 | Numerical Methods and Modeling | 1 |
ENM 5030 | Introduction to Probability and Statistics | 1 |
ENM 5100 | Foundations of Engineering Mathematics - I | 1 |
ENM 5110 | Foundations of Engineering Mathematics - II | 1 |
ENM 5200 | Principles and Techniques of Applied Math I | 1 |
ENM 5400 | Topics In Computational Science and Engineering | 1 |
ENVS 2390 | Freshwater Ecology | 1 |
ESE 1110 | Atoms, Bits, Circuits and Systems | 1 |
ESE 2000 | Artificial Intelligence Lab: Data, Systems, and Decisions | 1 |
ESE 2030 | Linear Algebra with Applications to Engineering and AI | 1 |
ESE 2100 | Introduction to Dynamic Systems | 1 |
ESE 2150 | Electrical Circuits and Systems | 1.5 |
ESE 2180 | Electronic, Photonic, and Electromechanical Devices | 1.5 |
ESE 2240 | Signal and Information Processing | 1.5 |
ESE 3010 | Engineering Probability | 1 |
ESE 3030 | Stochastic Systems Analysis and Simulation | 1 |
ESE 3050 | Foundations of Data Science | 1 |
ESE 3190 | Fundamentals of Solid-State Circuits | 1.5 |
ESE 3200 | Qubit Lab – A Hands on Introduction to Quantum Devices | 1.5 |
ESE 3250 | Fourier Analysis and Applications in Engineering, Mathematics, and the Sciences | 1 |
ESE 3400 | Medical Devices Laboratory | 1 |
ESE 3500 | Embedded Systems/Microcontroller Laboratory | 1.5 |
ESE 3600 | TinyML: Tiny Machine Learning for Embedded Systems | 1 |
ESE 3990 | Special Topics | 1 |
ESE 4000 | Engineering Economics | 1 |
ESE 4040 | Engineering Markets | 1 |
ESE 4190 | Analog Integrated Circuits | 1 |
ESE 4210 | Control For Autonomous Robots | 1.5 |
ESE 4380 | Machine Learning for Time-Series Data | 1 |
ESE 4440 | Project Management | 1 |
ESE 5000 | Linear Systems Theory | 1 |
ESE 5010 | Networking - Theory and Fundamentals | 1 |
ESE 5050 | Feedback Control Design and Analysis | 1 |
ESE 5060 | Introduction to Optimization Theory | 1 |
ESE 5070 | Introduction to Networks and Protocols | 1 |
ESE 5090 | Quantum Circuits and Systems | 1 |
ESE 5100 | Electromagnetic and Optics | 1 |
ESE 5210 | The Physics of Solid State Energy Devices | 1 |
ESE 5230 | Quantum Engineering | 1 |
ESE 5250 | Nanoscale Science and Engineering | 1 |
ESE 5290 | Introduction to Micro- and Nano-electromechanical Technologies | 1 |
ESE 5300 | Elements of Probability Theory | 1 |
ESE 5310 | Digital Signal Processing | 1 |
ESE 5330 | Stochastic Processes | 1 |
ESE 5390 | Hardware/Software Co-Design for Machine Learning | 1 |
ESE 5430 | Human Systems Engineering | 1 |
ESE 5440 | Project Management | 1 |
ESE 5500 | Advanced Transportation Seminar | 1 |
ESE 5660 | Networked Neuroscience | 1 |
ESE 5670 | Risk Analysis and Environmental Management | 1 |
ESE 5700 | Digital Integrated Circuits and VLSI-Fundamentals | 1 |
ESE 5720 | Analog Integrated Circuits | 1 |
ESE 5780 | RFIC (Radio Frequency Integrated Circuit) Design | 1 |
ESE 5800 | Power Electronics | 1 |
ESE 6050 | Modern Convex Optimization | 1 |
ESE 6170 | Non-Linear Control Theory | 1 |
ESE 6650 | Datacenter Architecture | 1 |
ESE 6740 | Information Theory | 1 |
ESE 6800 | Special Topics in Electrical and Systems Engineering | 1 |
ESE 8990 | Independent Study for PhD credit | 1-4 |
ESE 9990 | Thesis/Dissertation Research | 1-4 |
GCB 5360 | Fundamentals of Computational Biology | 1 |
IPD 5010 | Integrated Computer-Aided Design, Manufacturing and Analysis | 1 |
IPD 5140 | Design for Manufacturability | 1 |
IPD 5150 | Product Design | 1 |
IPD 5160 | Advanced Mechatronic Reactive Spaces. | 1 |
LGIC 1710 | Introduction to Logic | 1 |
LGIC 2100 | Discrete Mathematics I | 1 |
LGIC 2200 | Discrete Mathematics II | 1 |
MATH 2020 | Proving Things: Analysis | 1 |
MATH 2030 | Proving things: Algebra | 1 |
MATH 2400 | Calculus, Part III | 1 |
MATH 2410 | Calculus, Part IV | 1 |
MATH 2600 | Honors Calculus, Part II | 1 |
MATH 3120 | Linear Algebra | 1 |
MATH 3130 | Computational Linear Algebra | 1 |
MATH 3140 | Advanced Linear Algebra | 1 |
MATH 3200 | Computer Methods in Mathematical Science I | 1 |
MATH 3400 | Discrete Mathematics I | 1 |
MATH 3410 | Discrete Mathematics II | 1 |
MATH 3500 | Number Theory | 1 |
MATH 3600 | Advanced Calculus | 1 |
MATH 3610 | Advanced Calculus | 1 |
MATH 3700 | Algebra | 1 |
MATH 3710 | Algebra | 1 |
MATH 4100 | Complex Analysis | 1 |
MATH 4200 | Ordinary Differential Equations | 1 |
MATH 4250 | Partial Differential Equations | 1 |
MATH 4320 | Game Theory. | 1 |
MATH 4600 | Topology | 1 |
MATH 4650 | Differential Geometry | 1 |
MATH 4800 | Topics in Modern Math | 1 |
MATH 4990 | Supervised Study | 0-1 |
MATH 5000 | Topology | 1 |
MATH 5010 | Differential Geometry | 1 |
MATH 5020 | Abstract Algebra | 1 |
MATH 5030 | Abstract Algebra | 1 |
MATH 5040 | Graduate Proseminar in Mathematics | 1 |
MATH 5050 | Graduate Proseminar in Mathematics | 1 |
MATH 5080 | Advanced Analysis | 1 |
MATH 5090 | Advanced Analysis | 1 |
MATH 5120 | Advanced Linear Algebra | 1 |
MATH 5130 | Computational Linear Algebra | 1 |
MATH 5200 | Selections from Algebra | 1 |
MATH 5460 | Advanced Applied Probability | 1 |
MATH 5600 | Selections from Geometry and Topology | 1 |
MATH 5610 | Selections from Geometry and Topology | 1 |
MATH 5700 | Logic and Computability 1 | 1 |
MATH 5710 | Logic and Computability 2 | 1 |
MATH 5800 | Combinatorial Analysis | 1 |
MATH 5810 | Topics in Combinatorial Theory | 1 |
MATH 5940 | Mathematical Methods of Physics | 1 |
MATH 5999 | Independent Study | 1-4 |
MATH 6000 | Topology and Geometric Analysis | 1 |
MATH 6010 | Topology and Geometric Analysis | 1 |
MATH 6020 | Algebra | 1 |
MATH 6030 | Algebra | 1 |
MATH 6080 | Analysis | 1 |
MATH 6090 | Analysis | 1 |
MATH 6120 | Selections from Algebra | 1 |
MATH 6180 | Algebraic Topology, Part I | 1 |
MATH 6190 | Algebraic Topology, Part I | 1 |
MATH 6200 | Algebraic Number Theory | 1 |
MATH 6210 | Algebraic Number Theory | 1 |
MATH 6220 | Complex Algebraic Geometry | 1 |
MATH 6230 | Complex Algebraic Geometry | 1 |
MATH 6240 | Algebraic Geometry | 1 |
MATH 6250 | Algebraic Geometry | 1 |
MATH 6260 | Commutative Algebra | 1 |
MATH 6280 | Homological Algebra | 1 |
MATH 6290 | Homological Algebra | 1 |
MATH 6420 | Topics in Partial Differential Equations | 1 |
MATH 6440 | Partial Differential Equations | 1 |
MATH 6450 | Partial Differential Equations | 1 |
MATH 6480 | Probability Theory | 1 |
MATH 6520 | Operator Theory | 1 |
MATH 6540 | Lie Groups | 1 |
MATH 6550 | Lie Groups | 1 |
MATH 6560 | Representation of Continuous Groups | 1 |
MATH 6600 | Differential Geometry | 1 |
MATH 6610 | Differential Geometry | 1 |
MATH 6710 | Topics in Logic | 1 |
MATH 6940 | Mathematical Foundations of Theoretical Physics | 1 |
MATH 6950 | Mathematical Foundations of Theoretical Physics | 1 |
MATH 6982 | Representation of Continuous Groups | 1 |
MATH 7020 | Topics in Algebra | 1 |
MATH 7200 | Advanced Number Theory | 1 |
MATH 7210 | Advanced Number Theory | 1 |
MATH 7240 | Topics in Algebraic Geometry | 1 |
MATH 7300 | Topics in Algebraic and Differential Topology | 1 |
MATH 7310 | Topics in Algebraic and Differential Topology | 1 |
MATH 7480 | Topics in Classical Analysis | 1 |
MATH 7520 | Topics in Operator theory | 1 |
MATH 7530 | Topics in Operator Theory | 1 |
MATH 7600 | Topics in Differential Geometry | 1 |
MATH 7610 | Topics in Differential Geometry | 1 |
MATH 8200 | Algebra Seminar | 1 |
MATH 8300 | Geometry-Topology Seminar | 1 |
MATH 8310 | Geometry-Topology Seminar | 1 |
MATH 8710 | Logic Seminar | 1 |
MATH 8810 | Combinatorics Seminar | 1 |
MEAM 1010 | Introduction to Mechanical Design | 1 |
MEAM 1100 | Introduction to Mechanics | 1 |
MEAM 2010 | Machine Design and Manufacturing | 1 |
MEAM 2030 | Thermodynamics I | 1 |
MEAM 2100 | Statics and Strength of Materials | 1 |
MEAM 2110 | Engineering Mechanics: Dynamics | 1 |
MEAM 2200 | Introduction to Materials Science and Engineering | 1 |
MEAM 2250 | Engineering in the Environment | 1 |
MEAM 2300 | Bicycles: The Mechanical Advantage | 1 |
MEAM 2470 | Mechanical Engineering Laboratory I | .5 |
MEAM 3020 | Fluid Mechanics | 1 |
MEAM 3200 | Intro to Mechanical and Mechatronic Systems | 1 |
MEAM 3210 | Dynamic Systems and Control | 1 |
MEAM 3330 | Heat and Mass Transfer | 1 |
MEAM 3470 | Mechanical Engineering Design Laboratory | 1 |
MEAM 4050 | Mechanical Properties of Macro/Nanoscale Materials | 1 |
MEAM 4150 | Product Design | 1 |
MEAM 4210 | Control For Autonomous Robots | 1.5 |
MEAM 4450 | Mechanical Engineering Design Projects | 1 |
MEAM 4460 | Mechanical Engineering Design Projects | 1 |
MEAM 5020 | Energy Engineering in Power Plants and Transportation Systems | 1 |
MEAM 5040 | Tribology | 1 |
MEAM 5050 | Mechanical Properties of Macro/Nanoscale Materials | 1 |
MEAM 5060 | Failure Analysis of Engineering Materials | 1 |
MEAM 5080 | Materials and Manufacturing for Mechanical Design | 1 |
MEAM 5100 | Design of Mechatronic Systems | 1 |
MEAM 5130 | Feedback Control Design and Analysis | 1 |
MEAM 5140 | Design for Manufacturability | 1 |
MEAM 5160 | Advanced Mechatronic Reactive Spaces. | 1 |
MEAM 5170 | Control and Optimization with Applications in Robotics | 1 |
MEAM 5190 | Elasticity and Micromechanics of Materials | 1 |
MEAM 5200 | Introduction to Robotics | 1 |
MEAM 5270 | Finite Element Analysis | 1 |
MEAM 5290 | Introduction to Micro- and Nano-electromechanical Technologies | 1 |
MEAM 5300 | Continuum Mechanics | 1 |
MEAM 5350 | Advanced Dynamics | 1 |
MEAM 5360 | Viscous Fluid Flow and Modern Applications | 1 |
MEAM 5370 | Nanotribology | 1 |
MEAM 5450 | Aerodynamics | 1 |
MEAM 5500 | Design of Microelectromechanical Systems | 1 |
MEAM 5530 | Atomic Modeling in Materials Science | 1 |
MEAM 5550 | Nanoscale Systems Biology | 1 |
MEAM 5610 | Thermodynamics: Foundations, Energy, Materials | 1 |
MEAM 5620 | Water Treatment Engineering | 1 |
MEAM 5700 | Transport Processes I | 1 |
MEAM 5710 | Advanced Topics in Transport Phenomena | 1 |
MEAM 5750 | Micro and Nano Fluidics | 1 |
MEAM 6130 | Non-Linear Control Theory | 1 |
MEAM 6200 | Advanced Robotics | 1 |
MEAM 6300 | Advanced Continuum Mechanics | 1 |
MEAM 6320 | Plasticity | 1 |
MEAM 6330 | Mechanics of Adhesion and Fracture | 1 |
MEAM 6340 | Rods and Shells | 1 |
MEAM 6350 | Composite Materials | 1 |
MEAM 6420 | Advanced Fluid Mechanics | 1 |
MEAM 6460 | Computational Mechanics | 1 |
MEAM 6500 | Mechanics of Soft and Biomaterials | 1 |
MEAM 6620 | Advanced Molecular Thermodynamics | 1 |
MEAM 6630 | Mechanics of Macromolecules | 1 |
MEAM 6900 | Advanced Topics in Thermal Fluid Science or Energy | 1 |
MEAM 6910 | Special Topics in Mechanics of Materials | 1 |
MEAM 6990 | MEAM Seminar | 0 |
MEAM 8950 | Teaching Practicum | 0.5 |
MEAM 8990 | Independent Study | 1-4 |
MEAM 9950 | Dissertation | 0 |
MEAM 9990 | Thesis/Dissertation Research | 1-4 |
MPHY 6090 | Biomedical Image Analysis | 1 |
MSE 2010 | Materials Lab I | .5 |
MSE 2020 | Materials Lab II | .5 |
MSE 2150 | Introduction to Functional Materials: From Macro to Nanoscale | 1 |
MSE 2200 | Introduction to Materials Science and Engineering | 1 |
MSE 2210 | Quantum Physics of Materials | 1 |
MSE 2600 | Energetics of Macro and Nano-scale Materials | 1 |
MSE 3010 | Materials Lab III | .5 |
MSE 3300 | Self-Assembly of Soft Materials | 1 |
MSE 3600 | Structure at the Nanoscale | 1 |
MSE 3930 | Materials Selection | 1 |
MSE 4050 | Mechanical Properties of Macro/Nanoscale Materials | 1 |
MSE 4300 | Introduction to Polymers | 1 |
MSE 4400 | Phase Transformations | 1 |
MSE 4550 | Electrochemical Engineering of Materials | 1 |
MSE 4600 | Computational Materials Science | 1 |
MSE 4650 | Fabrication and Characterization of Micro and Nanostructured Materials | 1 |
MSE 4950 | Senior Design | 1 |
MSE 4960 | Senior Design | 1 |
MSE 5000 | Experimental Methods in Materials Science | 1 |
MSE 5040 | Materials Sustainability | 0.5 |
MSE 5050 | Mechanical Properties of Macro/Nanoscale Materials | 1 |
MSE 5060 | Failure Analysis of Engineering Materials | 1 |
MSE 5150 | Mathematical Methods for Engineering Applications | 1 |
MSE 5180 | Structure and Function of Biological Materials | 1 |
MSE 5200 | Structure of Materials | 1 |
MSE 5250 | Nanoscale Science and Engineering | 1 |
MSE 5300 | Thermodynamics and Phase Equilibria | 1 |
MSE 5360 | Electronic Properties of Materials | 1 |
MSE 5370 | Nanotribology | 1 |
MSE 5400 | Kinetics of Materials | 1 |
MSE 5500 | Elasticity and Micromechanics of Materials | 1 |
MSE 5550 | Electrochemical Engineering of Materials | 1 |
MSE 5610 | Atomic Modeling in Materials Science | 1 |
MSE 5650 | Fabrication and Characterization of Micro and Nanostructured Materials | 1 |
MSE 5700 | Physics of Materials I | 1 |
MSE 5750 | Statistical Mechanics | 1 |
MSE 5760 | Machine Learning and Its Applications in Materials Science | 1 |
MSE 5800 | Introduction to Polymers | 1 |
MSE 5850 | Materials for Bioelectronics | 1 |
MSE 6100 | Transmission Electron Microscopy | 1 |
MSE 6110 | Advanced Synchrotron and Electron Characterization of Materials | 1 |
MSE 6500 | Mechanics of Soft and Biomaterials | 1 |
MSE 7900 | Selected Topics in Materials Science and Engineering | 1 |
MTR 5350 | Introduction to Bioinformatics | 1 |
NETS 1120 | Networked Life | 1 |
NETS 1500 | Market and Social Systems on the Internet | 1 |
NETS 2120 | Scalable and Cloud Computing | 1 |
NETS 3120 | Theory of Networks | 1 |
NETS 4120 | Algorithmic Game Theory | 1 |
NGG 5940 | Theoretical and Computational Neuroscience | 1 |
NRSC 1110 | Introduction to Brain and Behavior | 1 |
NRSC 2110 | Molecular and Cellular Neurobiology | 1 |
NRSC 2140 | Evolution of Behavior: Animal Behavior | 1 |
NRSC 2233 | Neuroethology | 1 |
NRSC 2240 | Chronobiology and Sleep | 1 |
NRSC 2260 | Neuroendocrinology | 1 |
NRSC 2269 | Autonomic Physiology | 1 |
NRSC 2270 | Drugs, Brain and Mind | 1 |
NRSC 2350 | Developmental Neurobiology | 1 |
NRSC 3310 | Functional Neuroanatomy | 1 |
NRSC 3492 | Experimental Methods in Synaptic Physiology | 1 |
NRSC 3999 | Independent Research | 1 |
NRSC 4110 | Neural Systems and Behavior | 1 |
NRSC 4420 | Smell and Taste | 1 |
NRSC 4421 | Functional Imaging of the Human Brain | 1 |
NRSC 4430 | The Cognitive Neuroscience of Autism | 1 |
NRSC 4442 | Neurobiology of Learning and Memory | 1 |
NRSC 4460 | Neuroendocrinology Seminar | 1 |
NRSC 4475 | A Neural Systems Approach to Brain Disorders | 1 |
NRSC 4480 | Biological Basis of Psychiatric Disorders | 1 |
NRSC 4481 | Behavioral Pharmacology | 1 |
NRSC 4482 | Clinical Psychopharmacology | 1 |
NRSC 4999 | Advanced Independent Research | 1 |
NRSC 5585 | Theoretical and Computational Neuroscience | 1 |
NSCI 3010 | Engineering | 1 |
OIDD 4150 | Product Design | 1 |
OIDD 5150 | Product Design | 1 |
OIDD 7610 | Risk Analysis and Environmental Management | 1 |
PHIL 1710 | Introduction to Logic | 1 |
PHIL 4723 | Introduction to Mathematical Logic | 1 |
PHIL 6721 | Logic and Computability 1 | 1 |
PHIL 6722 | Logic and Computability 2 | 1 |
PHRM 5640 | Drug Delivery Systems: Targeted Therapeutics and Translational Nanomedicine | 1 |
PHYS 0140 | Principles of Physics I (without laboratory) | 1 |
PHYS 0141 | Principles of Physics II (without laboratory) | 1 |
PHYS 0150 | Principles of Physics I: Mechanics and Wave Motion | 1.5 |
PHYS 0151 | Principles of Physics II: Electromagnetism and Radiation | 1.5 |
PHYS 0170 | Honors Physics I: Mechanics and Wave Motion | 1.5 |
PHYS 0171 | Honors Physics II: Electromagnetism and Radiation | 1.5 |
PHYS 1230 | Principles of Physics III: Vibrations and Waves, Special Relativity, and Thermal Physics | 1 |
PHYS 1240 | Principles of Physics IV: Modern Physics (without laboratory) | 1 |
PHYS 1250 | Principles of Physics IV: Modern Physics | 1.5 |
PHYS 2260 | Introduction to Computational Physics | 1 |
PHYS 2280 | Physical Models of Biological Systems | 1 |
PHYS 2999 | Independent Study | 1 |
PHYS 3351 | Analytical Mechanics | 1 |
PHYS 3361 | Electromagnetism I: Electricity and Potential Theory | 1 |
PHYS 3362 | Electromagnetism II: Magnetism, Maxwell's Equations, and Electromagnetic Waves | 1 |
PHYS 3364 | Laboratory Electronics | 1 |
PHYS 4401 | Thermodynamics and the Introduction to Statistical Mechanics and Kinetic Theory | 1 |
PHYS 4411 | Introduction to Quantum Mechanics I | 1 |
PHYS 4412 | Introduction to Quantum Mechanics II | 1 |
PHYS 4414 | Laboratory in Modern Physics | 1 |
PHYS 4421 | Modern Optics | 1 |
PHYS 4498 | Senior Honor Thesis | 1 |
PHYS 5500 | Mathematical Methods of Physics | 1 |
PHYS 5503 | General Relativity | 1 |
PHYS 5505 | Introduction to Cosmology | 1 |
PHYS 5516 | Electromagnetic Phenomena | 1 |
PHYS 5518 | Introduction to Condensed Matter Physics | 1 |
PHYS 5521 | Advanced Laboratory | 1 |
PHYS 5522 | Introduction to Elementary Particle Physics | 1 |
PHYS 5526 | Astrophysical Radiation | 1 |
PHYS 5530 | Modern Optical Physics and Spectroscopy | 1 |
PHYS 5531 | Quantum Mechanics I | 1 |
PHYS 5532 | Quantum Mechanics II | 1 |
PHYS 5533 | Topics in Cosmology | 1 |
PHYS 5561 | Electromagnetism I | 1 |
PHYS 5562 | Electromagnetism II: Magnetism, Maxwell's Equations, and Electromagnetic Waves | 1 |
PHYS 5580 | Biological Physics | 1 |
PHYS 5581 | Thermodynamics | 1 |
PHYS 5585 | Theoretical and Computational Neuroscience | 1 |
PHYS 6601 | Introduction to Field Theory | 1 |
PHYS 6611 | Statistical Mechanics | 1 |
PHYS 6622 | Introduction to Elementary Particle Physics | 1 |
PHYS 6632 | Relativistic Quantum Field Theory | 1 |
PHYS 6633 | Relativistic Quantum Field Theory | 1 |
PHYS 6661 | Solid State Theory I | 1 |
PHYS 6662 | Solid State Theory II | 1 |
PHYS 6696 | Advanced Topics in Theoretical Physics | 1 |
PHYS 9900 | Masters Thesis | 0 |
PHYS 9950 | Dissertation | 0 |
PHYS 9999 | Independent Study | 1-3 |
PSYC 1210 | Introduction to Brain and Behavior | 1 |
PSYC 2220 | Evolution of Behavior: Animal Behavior | 1 |
PSYC 2250 | Drugs, Brain and Mind | 1 |
PSYC 2260 | Neuroendocrinology | 1 |
PSYC 3220 | Neural Systems and Behavior | 1 |
PSYC 3260 | Neuroendocrinology Seminar | 1 |
PSYC 3301 | Neurobiology of Learning and Memory | 1 |
PSYC 5390 | Theoretical and Computational Neuroscience | 1 |
STAT 4300 | Probability | 1 |
STAT 4310 | Statistical Inference | 1 |
STAT 4320 | Mathematical Statistics | 1 |
STAT 4330 | Stochastic Processes | 1 |
STAT 9300 | Probability Theory | 1 |