MBIOT BTP Advance Elective (EMMA)
Code | Title | Course Units |
BBCB 5080 | Macromolecular Biophysics: Principles and Methods | 1 |
BE 5020 | From Biomedical Science to the Marketplace | 1 |
BE 5610 | Musculoskeletal Biology and Bioengineering | 1 |
BE 6080 | Medical Entrepreneurship: Commercializing Translational Science | 1 |
BIOT 5990 | BIOT Independent Study | 1-2 |
CAMB 5500 | Genetic Principles | 1 |
CBE 5640 | Drug Delivery Systems: Targeted Therapeutics and Translational Nanomedicine | 1 |
CIT 5900 | Programming Languages and Techniques | 1 |
EAS 5450 | Engineering Entrepreneurship I | 1 |
IMUN 5070 | Immunopathology | 1 |
IPD 5450 | Engineering Entrepreneurship I | 1 |
MTR 6200 | Medical Entrepreneurship: Commercializing Translational Science | 1 |
PHRM 5640 | Drug Delivery Systems: Targeted Therapeutics and Translational Nanomedicine | 1 |
PHRM 6230 | Fundamentals of Pharmacology | 1 |
REG 6120 | Introduction to Drug Development | 1 |
REG 6220 | New Trends in Medicine and Vaccine Discovery | 1 |