COL Sector - Humanities&Soc Sci (AUHS)

AFRC 0015Race and Identity: Coming of Age in 20th Century America1
AFRC 0016First Year Seminar - Black Spiritual Journeys: Modern African American1
AFRC 0019Visions of America: Plural Nations, Places and Ideals1
AFRC 1001Introduction to Africana Studies1
ANTH 0040The Modern World and Its Cultural Background1
ANTH 0063East & West: A Hitchhiker's Guide to the Cultural History of the Modern World1
ANTH 0085Contemporary Native Identities: Traditions, Resistance, Resilience, Advocacy and Joy1
ANTH 0120Globalization And Its Historical Significance1
ANTH 0905Water in the Middle East Throughout History1
ANTH 1238Introduction to Medical Anthropology1
ANTH 1480Food and Fire: Archaeology in the Laboratory1
ANTH 2060Cultures of Science and Technology1
ARCH 0110Design, Race, and Climate Justice1
ARCH 0111Architecture in the Anthropocene1
ARTH 1060Architect and History1
ARTH 1500Eye, Mind, and Image1
ARTH 2350Introduction to Visual Culture of the Islamic World1
ARTH 2370Berlin: History, Politics, Culture1
CIMS 0090First-Year Seminar: Italian American Studies1
CIMS 0093First-Year Seminar: Race and Ethnicity in Italy1
CIMS 0095First-Year Seminar: Italian Fashion1
CIMS 0099First-Year Seminar: Italian Innovations1
CIMS 1002Introduction to Media Studies1
CLST 1201The Ancient Economy1
CLST 1701Scandalous Arts in Ancient and Modern Communities1
COML 0103Doctors' Notes1
COML 1010Freud: The Invention of Psychoanalysis1
COML 1020Marx, Marxism, and the Culture of Revolution1
COML 1040Berlin: History, Politics, Culture1
COML 1050War and Representation1
COML 1097Madness and Madmen in Russian Culture1
COML 1160Sustainability & Utopianism1
COML 1170Global Sustainabilities1
COML 1650Introduction to Digital Humanities1
COML 1701Scandalous Arts in Ancient and Modern Communities1
COML 2020Russia and the West1
DSGN 0010Art, Design and Digital Culture1
EALC 0502Gods, Ghosts, and Monsters1
ECON 0620Financial Meltdown, Past and Present1
EDUC 1450(Re)Making U.S. Schools1
ENGL 0060Introduction to Literature and Law1
ENGL 0300Medieval Worlds1
ENGL 0340First Year Seminar: Scenes of Teaching1
ENGL 0519Benjamin Franklin Seminar: Postcolonial Literature1
ENGL 1299First-Year Seminar: Italian American Studies1
ENGL 1300Theories of Gender and Sexuality1
ENGL 1449War and Representation1
ENGL 1579Sustainability & Utopianism1
ENGL 1600Cultures of The Book1
ENGL 1650Introduction to Digital Humanities1
ENVS 1050Sustainability & Utopianism1
ENVS 1450Global Sustainabilities1
FNAR 1010Video I1
FREN 1227French History and Culture 1789-19451
GRMN 0018Climate Change and Community in Indonesia1
GRMN 1010Freud: The Invention of Psychoanalysis1
GRMN 1020Marx, Marxism, and the Culture of Revolution1
GRMN 1040Berlin: History, Politics, Culture1
GRMN 1160Sustainability & Utopianism1
GRMN 1170Global Sustainabilities1
GRMN 1500Texts and Contexts1
GSWS 0031Gender, Sexuality, and Social Change in the Middle East1
GSWS 0050Gender, Sexuality, and Religion1
GSWS 0090First-Year Seminar: Italian American Studies1
GSWS 0093First-Year Seminar: Race and Ethnicity in Italy1
GSWS 0095First-Year Seminar: Italian Fashion1
GSWS 0099First-Year Seminar: Italian Innovations1
GSWS 0228Studying Sex1
GSWS 1010Freud: The Invention of Psychoanalysis1
GSWS 1300Theories of Gender and Sexuality1
HIST 0022First-Year Seminar: A Tale of Two Cities: London and Paris 1750-present1
HIST 0023First-Year: Russia in the Age of Anna Karenina1
HIST 0031Gender, Sexuality, and Social Change in the Middle East1
HIST 0810The City1
HIST 0820Freud: The Invention of Psychoanalysis1
HIST 0821Berlin: History, Politics, Culture1
HIST 0823Portraits of Russian Society: Art, Fiction, Drama1
HIST 0824Russia and the West1
HIST 0825Portraits of Soviet Society: Literature, Film, Drama1
HIST 0851India: Culture and Society1
HIST 0870Introduction to Digital Humanities1
HIST 1250Belief and Unbelief in Modern Thought1
HIST 1731Financial Meltdown, Past and Present1
HIST 1733Free Speech and Censorship1
HIST 1735Cold War: Global History1
HSOC 0100Emergence of Modern Science1
HSOC 0228Studying Sex1
HSOC 0311Addiction: Understanding how we get hooked and how we recover1
HSOC 0343Why Medical Interventions Work or Fail: A Search for Answers1
HSOC 0387Epidemics in History1
HSOC 0480Health and Societies1
HSOC 0823Sport Science in the World1
HSOC 1120Science Technology and War1
HSOC 1382Introduction to Medical Anthropology1
HSOC 2198Race, Science, and Globalization1
ITAL 0090First-Year Seminar: Italian American Studies1
ITAL 0093First-Year Seminar: Race and Ethnicity in Italy1
ITAL 0095First-Year Seminar: Italian Fashion1
ITAL 0099First-Year Seminar: Italian Innovations1
JWST 0303Introduction to the Bible1
JWST 1910The Religious Other1
LALS 2198Race, Science, and Globalization1
MELC 0300Introduction to the Bible1
MELC 0500Introduction to the Qur'an1
MELC 0600The Middle East through Many Lenses1
MELC 0620Food in the Islamic Middle East: History, Memory, Identity1
MELC 0905Water in the Middle East Throughout History1
MELC 1910The Religious Other1
MUSC 0180AMusic in Urban Spaces0.5
MUSC 0180BMusic in Urban Spaces0.5
PHIL 0220Knowledge, Religion, and Values1
PHIL 1000Introduction to Philosophy1
PHIL 1220World Philosophies1
PHIL 1439Marx, Marxism, and the Culture of Revolution1
PSCI 0602American Political Thought1
REES 0110Portraits of Russian Society: Art, Fiction, Drama1
REES 0130Portraits of Soviet Society: Literature, Film, Drama1
REES 0131Putin's Russia: Culture, Society and History1
REES 0172Madness and Madmen in Russian Culture1
REES 0190Russia and the West1
REES 1172Marx, Marxism, and the Culture of Revolution1
REES 1370Cold War: Global History1
RELS 0008India: Culture and Society1
RELS 0050Gender, Sexuality, and Religion1
RELS 0088Penitentiaries to PILOTs: Religion and Institutions in Pennsylvania1
RELS 0130Gods, Ghosts, and Monsters1
RELS 0301Introduction to the Bible1
RELS 0504Introduction to the Qur'an1
RELS 0666Satan: History, Poetics, and Politics of the Archenemy1
RELS 1080First Year Seminar - Black Spiritual Journeys: Modern African American1
SAST 0008India: Culture and Society1
SAST 0018Climate Change and Community in Indonesia1
SAST 0063East & West: A Hitchhiker's Guide to the Cultural History of the Modern World1
SAST 0519Benjamin Franklin Seminar: Postcolonial Literature1
SOCI 1020American Society1
SOCI 2910Globalization And Its Historical Significance1
SOCI 2951The Information Age1
SPAN 1800Contexts of Hispanic Culture and Civilization1
STSC 0013A History of the University of Pennsylvania from the American Revolution to the Present1
STSC 0100Emergence of Modern Science1
STSC 0228Studying Sex1
STSC 0387Epidemics in History1
STSC 0823Sport Science in the World1
STSC 1120Science Technology and War1
STSC 1160Sustainability & Utopianism1
STSC 1600The Information Age1
STSC 1880Environment and Society1
STSC 2198Race, Science, and Globalization1
THAR 0020Fundamentals of Acting: First-Year Seminar1
THAR 0120Introduction to Acting1
URBS 0180AMusic in Urban Spaces0.5
URBS 0180BMusic in Urban Spaces0.5
URBS 0210The City1
URBS 0248The Urban Food Chain1
URBS 0335Investigating the Old 7th Ward1
URBS 1070Berlin: History, Politics, Culture1
VLST 1010Eye, Mind, and Image1
VLST 1050Inventing Photography1
VLST 1060Virtual Reality Storytelling1
VLST 2350Introduction to Visual Culture of the Islamic World1