AFRC 0015 | Race and Identity: Coming of Age in 20th Century America | 1 |
AFRC 0016 | First Year Seminar - Black Spiritual Journeys: Modern African American | 1 |
AFRC 0019 | Visions of America: Plural Nations, Places and Ideals | 1 |
AFRC 1001 | Introduction to Africana Studies | 1 |
ANTH 0040 | The Modern World and Its Cultural Background | 1 |
ANTH 0063 | East & West: A Hitchhiker's Guide to the Cultural History of the Modern World | 1 |
ANTH 0085 | Contemporary Native Identities: Traditions, Resistance, Resilience, Advocacy and Joy | 1 |
ANTH 0120 | Globalization And Its Historical Significance | 1 |
ANTH 0905 | Water in the Middle East Throughout History | 1 |
ANTH 1238 | Introduction to Medical Anthropology | 1 |
ANTH 1480 | Food and Fire: Archaeology in the Laboratory | 1 |
ANTH 2060 | Cultures of Science and Technology | 1 |
ARCH 0110 | Design, Race, and Climate Justice | 1 |
ARCH 0111 | Architecture in the Anthropocene | 1 |
ARTH 1060 | Architect and History | 1 |
ARTH 1500 | Eye, Mind, and Image | 1 |
ARTH 2350 | Introduction to Visual Culture of the Islamic World | 1 |
ARTH 2370 | Berlin: History, Politics, Culture | 1 |
CIMS 0090 | First-Year Seminar: Italian American Studies | 1 |
CIMS 0093 | First-Year Seminar: Race and Ethnicity in Italy | 1 |
CIMS 0095 | First-Year Seminar: Italian Fashion | 1 |
CIMS 0099 | First-Year Seminar: Italian Innovations | 1 |
CIMS 1002 | Introduction to Media Studies | 1 |
CLST 1201 | The Ancient Economy | 1 |
CLST 1701 | Scandalous Arts in Ancient and Modern Communities | 1 |
COML 0103 | Doctors' Notes | 1 |
COML 1010 | Freud: The Invention of Psychoanalysis | 1 |
COML 1020 | Marx, Marxism, and the Culture of Revolution | 1 |
COML 1040 | Berlin: History, Politics, Culture | 1 |
COML 1050 | War and Representation | 1 |
COML 1097 | Madness and Madmen in Russian Culture | 1 |
COML 1160 | Sustainability & Utopianism | 1 |
COML 1170 | Global Sustainabilities | 1 |
COML 1650 | Introduction to Digital Humanities | 1 |
COML 1701 | Scandalous Arts in Ancient and Modern Communities | 1 |
COML 2020 | Russia and the West | 1 |
DSGN 0010 | Art, Design and Digital Culture | 1 |
EALC 0502 | Gods, Ghosts, and Monsters | 1 |
ECON 0620 | Financial Meltdown, Past and Present | 1 |
EDUC 1450 | (Re)Making U.S. Schools | 1 |
ENGL 0060 | Introduction to Literature and Law | 1 |
ENGL 0300 | Medieval Worlds | 1 |
ENGL 0340 | First Year Seminar: Scenes of Teaching | 1 |
ENGL 0519 | Benjamin Franklin Seminar: Postcolonial Literature | 1 |
ENGL 1299 | First-Year Seminar: Italian American Studies | 1 |
ENGL 1300 | Theories of Gender and Sexuality | 1 |
ENGL 1449 | War and Representation | 1 |
ENGL 1579 | Sustainability & Utopianism | 1 |
ENGL 1600 | Cultures of The Book | 1 |
ENGL 1650 | Introduction to Digital Humanities | 1 |
ENVS 1050 | Sustainability & Utopianism | 1 |
ENVS 1450 | Global Sustainabilities | 1 |
FNAR 1010 | Video I | 1 |
FREN 1227 | French History and Culture 1789-1945 | 1 |
GRMN 0018 | Climate Change and Community in Indonesia | 1 |
GRMN 1010 | Freud: The Invention of Psychoanalysis | 1 |
GRMN 1020 | Marx, Marxism, and the Culture of Revolution | 1 |
GRMN 1040 | Berlin: History, Politics, Culture | 1 |
GRMN 1160 | Sustainability & Utopianism | 1 |
GRMN 1170 | Global Sustainabilities | 1 |
GRMN 1500 | Texts and Contexts | 1 |
GSWS 0031 | Gender, Sexuality, and Social Change in the Middle East | 1 |
GSWS 0050 | Gender, Sexuality, and Religion | 1 |
GSWS 0090 | First-Year Seminar: Italian American Studies | 1 |
GSWS 0093 | First-Year Seminar: Race and Ethnicity in Italy | 1 |
GSWS 0095 | First-Year Seminar: Italian Fashion | 1 |
GSWS 0099 | First-Year Seminar: Italian Innovations | 1 |
GSWS 0228 | Studying Sex | 1 |
GSWS 1010 | Freud: The Invention of Psychoanalysis | 1 |
GSWS 1300 | Theories of Gender and Sexuality | 1 |
HIST 0022 | First-Year Seminar: A Tale of Two Cities: London and Paris 1750-present | 1 |
HIST 0023 | First-Year: Russia in the Age of Anna Karenina | 1 |
HIST 0031 | Gender, Sexuality, and Social Change in the Middle East | 1 |
HIST 0810 | The City | 1 |
HIST 0820 | Freud: The Invention of Psychoanalysis | 1 |
HIST 0821 | Berlin: History, Politics, Culture | 1 |
HIST 0823 | Portraits of Russian Society: Art, Fiction, Drama | 1 |
HIST 0824 | Russia and the West | 1 |
HIST 0825 | Portraits of Soviet Society: Literature, Film, Drama | 1 |
HIST 0851 | India: Culture and Society | 1 |
HIST 0870 | Introduction to Digital Humanities | 1 |
HIST 1250 | Belief and Unbelief in Modern Thought | 1 |
HIST 1731 | Financial Meltdown, Past and Present | 1 |
HIST 1733 | Free Speech and Censorship | 1 |
HIST 1735 | Cold War: Global History | 1 |
HSOC 0100 | Emergence of Modern Science | 1 |
HSOC 0228 | Studying Sex | 1 |
HSOC 0311 | Addiction: Understanding how we get hooked and how we recover | 1 |
HSOC 0343 | Why Medical Interventions Work or Fail: A Search for Answers | 1 |
HSOC 0387 | Epidemics in History | 1 |
HSOC 0480 | Health and Societies | 1 |
HSOC 0823 | Sport Science in the World | 1 |
HSOC 1120 | Science Technology and War | 1 |
HSOC 1382 | Introduction to Medical Anthropology | 1 |
HSOC 2198 | Race, Science, and Globalization | 1 |
ITAL 0090 | First-Year Seminar: Italian American Studies | 1 |
ITAL 0093 | First-Year Seminar: Race and Ethnicity in Italy | 1 |
ITAL 0095 | First-Year Seminar: Italian Fashion | 1 |
ITAL 0099 | First-Year Seminar: Italian Innovations | 1 |
JWST 0303 | Introduction to the Bible | 1 |
JWST 1910 | The Religious Other | 1 |
LALS 2198 | Race, Science, and Globalization | 1 |
MELC 0300 | Introduction to the Bible | 1 |
MELC 0500 | Introduction to the Qur'an | 1 |
MELC 0600 | The Middle East through Many Lenses | 1 |
MELC 0620 | Food in the Islamic Middle East: History, Memory, Identity | 1 |
MELC 0905 | Water in the Middle East Throughout History | 1 |
MELC 1910 | The Religious Other | 1 |
MUSC 0180A | Music in Urban Spaces | 0.5 |
MUSC 0180B | Music in Urban Spaces | 0.5 |
PHIL 0220 | Knowledge, Religion, and Values | 1 |
PHIL 1000 | Introduction to Philosophy | 1 |
PHIL 1220 | World Philosophies | 1 |
PHIL 1439 | Marx, Marxism, and the Culture of Revolution | 1 |
PSCI 0602 | American Political Thought | 1 |
REES 0110 | Portraits of Russian Society: Art, Fiction, Drama | 1 |
REES 0130 | Portraits of Soviet Society: Literature, Film, Drama | 1 |
REES 0131 | Putin's Russia: Culture, Society and History | 1 |
REES 0172 | Madness and Madmen in Russian Culture | 1 |
REES 0190 | Russia and the West | 1 |
REES 1172 | Marx, Marxism, and the Culture of Revolution | 1 |
REES 1370 | Cold War: Global History | 1 |
RELS 0008 | India: Culture and Society | 1 |
RELS 0050 | Gender, Sexuality, and Religion | 1 |
RELS 0088 | Penitentiaries to PILOTs: Religion and Institutions in Pennsylvania | 1 |
RELS 0130 | Gods, Ghosts, and Monsters | 1 |
RELS 0301 | Introduction to the Bible | 1 |
RELS 0504 | Introduction to the Qur'an | 1 |
RELS 0666 | Satan: History, Poetics, and Politics of the Archenemy | 1 |
RELS 1080 | First Year Seminar - Black Spiritual Journeys: Modern African American | 1 |
SAST 0008 | India: Culture and Society | 1 |
SAST 0018 | Climate Change and Community in Indonesia | 1 |
SAST 0063 | East & West: A Hitchhiker's Guide to the Cultural History of the Modern World | 1 |
SAST 0519 | Benjamin Franklin Seminar: Postcolonial Literature | 1 |
SOCI 1020 | American Society | 1 |
SOCI 2910 | Globalization And Its Historical Significance | 1 |
SOCI 2951 | The Information Age | 1 |
SPAN 1800 | Contexts of Hispanic Culture and Civilization | 1 |
STSC 0013 | A History of the University of Pennsylvania from the American Revolution to the Present | 1 |
STSC 0100 | Emergence of Modern Science | 1 |
STSC 0228 | Studying Sex | 1 |
STSC 0387 | Epidemics in History | 1 |
STSC 0823 | Sport Science in the World | 1 |
STSC 1120 | Science Technology and War | 1 |
STSC 1160 | Sustainability & Utopianism | 1 |
STSC 1600 | The Information Age | 1 |
STSC 1880 | Environment and Society | 1 |
STSC 2198 | Race, Science, and Globalization | 1 |
THAR 0020 | Fundamentals of Acting: First-Year Seminar | 1 |
THAR 0120 | Introduction to Acting | 1 |
URBS 0180A | Music in Urban Spaces | 0.5 |
URBS 0180B | Music in Urban Spaces | 0.5 |
URBS 0210 | The City | 1 |
URBS 0248 | The Urban Food Chain | 1 |
URBS 0335 | Investigating the Old 7th Ward | 1 |
URBS 1070 | Berlin: History, Politics, Culture | 1 |
VLST 1010 | Eye, Mind, and Image | 1 |
VLST 1050 | Inventing Photography | 1 |
VLST 1060 | Virtual Reality Storytelling | 1 |
VLST 2350 | Introduction to Visual Culture of the Islamic World | 1 |