PSCI Political Theory (APST)

AFRC 1120Religious Ethics and Modern Society1
AFRC 1205Constitutional Law1
AFRC 1206American Constitutional Law II1
AFRC 2430Race, Science & Justice1
AFRC 3340Feminist Ethnography1
AFRC 4387Black Feminist Approaches to History and Memory1
ANTH 2540Violence, Tolerance, Freedom1
ANTH 3340Feminist Ethnography1
BIOE 4010Introduction to Bioethics1
BIOE 4020Conceptual Foundations of Bioethics1
CLST 1501Ancient Greek Philosophy1
CLST 1502Greek and Roman Moral Philosophy1
CLST 1503Ancient Political Thought1
CLST 3706Ancient and Modern Constitution Making1
CLST 3707Classics & American Government1
COML 0030Introduction to Sexuality Studies and Queer Theory1
COML 1010Freud: The Invention of Psychoanalysis1
COML 1020Marx, Marxism, and the Culture of Revolution1
COML 1030Nietzsche's Modernity and the Death of God1
COML 1201Foundations of European Thought: from Rome to the Renaissance1
COML 1250Belief and Unbelief in Modern Thought1
COML 1310Gender, Sexuality, and Literature1
COML 2251Machiavelli and Modern Political Thought1
COML 2252European Intellectual History since 19451
COML 3110French Thought After 19681
COML 3922European Thought and Culture in the Age of Revolution1
COML 3923Twentieth Century European Intellectual History1
EALC 2550The Politics of Shinto1
EALC 6550The Politics of Shinto1
ECON 4560History of Economic Thought1
ENGL 0160Introduction to Sexuality Studies and Queer Theory1
ENGL 0531Benjamin Franklin Seminar: Gender, Sexuality, and Literature1
ENGL 1300Theories of Gender and Sexuality1
ENGL 1310Gender, Sexuality, and Literature1
FREN 3110French Thought After 19681
FREN 3600The Enlightenment1
GRMN 1010Freud: The Invention of Psychoanalysis1
GRMN 1020Marx, Marxism, and the Culture of Revolution1
GRMN 1030Nietzsche's Modernity and the Death of God1
GSWS 0003Introduction to Sexuality Studies and Queer Theory1
GSWS 0531Benjamin Franklin Seminar: Gender, Sexuality, and Literature1
GSWS 0680Feminist Political Thought1
GSWS 1010Freud: The Invention of Psychoanalysis1
GSWS 1300Theories of Gender and Sexuality1
GSWS 1310Gender, Sexuality, and Literature1
GSWS 3340Feminist Ethnography1
GSWS 3400Money, Power, Respect: Funding Social Change1
GSWS 4387Black Feminist Approaches to History and Memory1
GSWS 5680Gender, Power & Feminist Theory1
HIST 0723The Enlightenment1
HIST 0817Black Feminist Approaches to History and Memory1
HIST 0820Freud: The Invention of Psychoanalysis1
HIST 1200Foundations of European Thought: from Rome to the Renaissance1
HIST 1205Reading the Classics1
HIST 1250Belief and Unbelief in Modern Thought1
HIST 1690Modern Jewish Intellectual and Cultural History1
HIST 2251Machiavelli and Modern Political Thought1
HIST 2252European Intellectual History since 19451
HIST 3600Human Rights in the Age of Revolutions1
HIST 3708History of Truth1
HIST 3820Renaissance Europe1
HIST 3922European Thought and Culture in the Age of Revolution1
HIST 3923Twentieth Century European Intellectual History1
HSOC 1330Bioethics1
ITAL 3820Renaissance Europe1
JWST 1690Modern Jewish Intellectual and Cultural History1
LALS 3733Locating the Andean Radical Tradition1
LALS 4387Black Feminist Approaches to History and Memory1
LGST 1000Ethics and Social Responsibility1
LGST 1008Ethics and Social Responsibility1
LGST 2260Markets, Morality & the Future of Capitalism1
MELC 0500Introduction to the Qur'an1
MELC 2510Introduction to Islamic Law1
MELC 4505Islamic Intellectual Tradition1
MELC 5505Islamic Intellectual Tradition1
PHIL 0220Knowledge, Religion, and Values1
PHIL 0330Seminar in Moral Philosophy1
PHIL 0903Public Philosophy & Civic Engagement1
PHIL 1110Ancient Greek Philosophy1
PHIL 1111Greek and Roman Moral Philosophy1
PHIL 1170History of Modern Philosophy1
PHIL 1220World Philosophies1
PHIL 1221World Philosophies1
PHIL 1252Introduction to Indian Philosophy1
PHIL 1330Ethics1
PHIL 1342Bioethics1
PHIL 1343Environmental Ethics1
PHIL 1430Political Philosophy1
PHIL 1433The Social Contract1
PHIL 1439Marx, Marxism, and the Culture of Revolution1
PHIL 1450Philosophy of Law1
PHIL 1540Introduction to Feminist Philosophy1
PHIL 2112Introduction to Plato1
PHIL 2113Introduction to Aristotle1
PHIL 2200Continental Philosophy1
PHIL 2221Philosophy East and West1
PHIL 2430Global Justice1
PHIL 2450Justice, Law and Morality1
PHIL 2510Philosophy of Race1
PHIL 2851Philosophy of Economics1
PHIL 3430Topics in Political Philosophy1
PHIL 3431Justice1
PHIL 3435Marx's Moral, Social, and Political Philosophy1
PHIL 4112Plato's Selected Dialogues1
PHIL 4113Aristotle1
PHIL 4181Kant I1
PHIL 4182Kant II1
PHIL 4191Hegel1
PHIL 4430Modern Political Philosophy1
PSCI 0600Ancient Political Thought1
PSCI 0601Modern Political Thought1
PSCI 0602American Political Thought1
PSCI 0680Feminist Political Thought1
PSCI 1205Constitutional Law1
PSCI 1206American Constitutional Law II1
PSCI 1600Contemporary Political Thought1
PSCI 1601Political Ideas: Left, Right, and Center1
PSCI 1606Freedom, Power, and Equality1
PSCI 1640Islamist Political Theory: from al-Banna to bin Laden1
PSCI 2206Race, Ethnicity and Constitutional Law1
PSCI 2996Selected Topics in Political Science (Political Theory)1
PSCI 3600Democracy and Disagreement (SNF Paideia Program Course)1
PSCI 3996Selected Topics in Political Science (Political Theory)1
PSCI 4201Political Empathy & Deliberative Democracy in the US1
PSCI 4600Meaning of Democracy1
PSCI 4601Key Questions in Political Theory1
PSCI 4996Selected Topics in Political Science (Political Theory)1
PSCI 5680Gender, Power & Feminist Theory1
PSCI 5681Sex, Gender, History in Political Theory1
REES 1172Marx, Marxism, and the Culture of Revolution1
RELS 0055Introduction to Indian Philosophy1
RELS 0504Introduction to the Qur'an1
RELS 1120Religious Ethics and Modern Society1
RELS 1189Islam and the West1
RELS 1690Modern Jewish Intellectual and Cultural History1
RELS 2540Violence, Tolerance, Freedom1
RELS 2710The Politics of Shinto1
RELS 6710The Politics of Shinto1
SAST 0050Introduction to Indian Philosophy1
SAST 1189Islam and the West1
SOCI 2430Race, Science & Justice1
SOCI 2971Bioethics1
SOCI 3000Classical Sociological Theory1