PHIL Philosophy of Science or Math (APLS)

ECON 0465Economics and Philosophy1
ENVS 1043Repairing the Planet: Tools for the Climate Emergency1
LGIC 4960Topics in Mathematical Logic1
MATH 6770Topics in Logic1
PHIL 1571Repairing the Planet: Tools for the Climate Emergency1
PHIL 1800Philosophy of Science1
PHIL 1810Philosophy of Space and Time1
PHIL 1830Philosophy of Biology1
PHIL 1831Evolution's Laboratory1
PHIL 1850Philosophy of Social Science1
PHIL 1860Philosophy of Environmental Science1
PHIL 2843Philosophy and Visual Perception1
PHIL 2851Philosophy of Economics1
PHIL 3623Philosophy of Perception1
PHIL 3800Topics in Philosophy of Science1
PHIL 4470Norms and Nudges1
PHIL 4720Topics in Mathematical Logic1
PHIL 4770Philosophy of Mathematics1
PHIL 4800Philosophy of Science.1
PHIL 4840Philosophy of Psychology1
PHIL 4843Philosophy and Visual Perception1
PHIL 5800Topics in the Philosophy of Science1
PHIL 5810Topics in the History of Philosophy of Science1
PHIL 5840Philosophy of Psychology1
PHIL 6720Topics in Logic1
PHIL 6770Philosophy of Mathematics1
PHIL 6800Philosophy of Science.1
PHIL 6843Philosophy and Visual Perception1
VLST 2220Philosophy of Perception1
VLST 2230Philosophy and Visual Perception1