COGS Cognitive Neuroscience (ACGN)

BE 5300Theoretical and Computational Neuroscience1
BIOL 1110Introduction to Brain and Behavior1
BIOL 2110Molecular and Cellular Neurobiology1
BIOL 2140Evolution of Behavior: Animal Behavior1
BIOL 4110Neural Systems and Behavior1
BIOL 4142Neurobiology of Learning and Memory1
BIOL 5110Neural Systems and Behavior1
CIS 1100Introduction to Computer Programming1
CIS 1210Programming Languages and Techniques II1
CIS 1400Introduction to Cognitive Science1
COGS 1001Introduction to Cognitive Science1
COGS 2982Study Abroad1
COGS 3998Senior Thesis1
COGS 3999Independent Study1
COGS 4290Big Data, Memory and the Human Brain1
LING 0001Introduction to Linguistics1
LING 0750Language and Thought1
LING 1005Introduction to Cognitive Science1
LING 2250Computer Analysis and Modeling of Biological Signals and Systems1
LING 2700Language Acquisition1
LING 3740Neurolinguistics1
MATH 1400Calculus, Part I1
MATH 1410Calculus, Part II1
MATH 1510Calculus, Part II with Probability and Matrices1
NGG 5940Theoretical and Computational Neuroscience1
NRSC 1110Introduction to Brain and Behavior1
NRSC 1159Memory1
NRSC 2110Molecular and Cellular Neurobiology1
NRSC 2140Evolution of Behavior: Animal Behavior1
NRSC 2217Visual Neuroscience1
NRSC 2227Physiology of Motivated Behavior1
NRSC 2233Neuroethology1
NRSC 2249Cognitive Neuroscience1
NRSC 2260Neuroendocrinology1
NRSC 2270Drugs, Brain and Mind1
NRSC 3334Computational Neuroscience Lab1
NRSC 3492Experimental Methods in Synaptic Physiology1
NRSC 4110Neural Systems and Behavior1
NRSC 4233Seminar in Cognitive Neuroscience: Brain Development1
NRSC 4421Functional Imaging of the Human Brain1
NRSC 4429Seminar in Sleep and Memory1
NRSC 4430The Cognitive Neuroscience of Autism1
NRSC 4442Neurobiology of Learning and Memory1
NRSC 4450Music and the brain: the new and old science of music1
NRSC 4460Neuroendocrinology Seminar1
NRSC 4470Animal Models of Neuropsychiatric Disorders1
NRSC 4473Neuroeconomics Seminar1
NRSC 4475A Neural Systems Approach to Brain Disorders1
NRSC 4480Biological Basis of Psychiatric Disorders1
NRSC 5585Theoretical and Computational Neuroscience1
PHIL 1170History of Modern Philosophy1
PHIL 1840Introduction to Cognitive Science1
PHYS 5585Theoretical and Computational Neuroscience1
PPE 3003Behavioral Economics and Psychology1
PSYC 0001Introduction to Experimental Psychology1
PSYC 1210Introduction to Brain and Behavior1
PSYC 1212Physiology of Motivated Behavior1
PSYC 1230Cognitive Neuroscience1
PSYC 1310Language and Thought1
PSYC 1333Introduction to Cognitive Science1
PSYC 1340Perception1
PSYC 1530Memory1
PSYC 1777Introduction to Developmental Psychology1
PSYC 2220Evolution of Behavior: Animal Behavior1
PSYC 2240Visual Neuroscience1
PSYC 2250Drugs, Brain and Mind1
PSYC 2260Neuroendocrinology1
PSYC 2288Neuroscience and Society1
PSYC 2377Cognitive Development1
PSYC 2737Judgment and Decisions1
PSYC 2750Behavioral Economics and Psychology1
PSYC 3220Neural Systems and Behavior1
PSYC 3230Neuroscience for Policymakers: Cognitive Neuroscience Seminar1
PSYC 3231Consciousness Seminar in Cognitive Neuroscience1
PSYC 3233Seminar in Cognitive Neuroscience: Brain Development1
PSYC 3260Neuroendocrinology Seminar1
PSYC 3280Neurological Insights into Cognition and Behavior Seminar1
PSYC 3300Seminar in Sleep and Memory1
PSYC 3301Neurobiology of Learning and Memory1
PSYC 3790Neuroeconomics Seminar1
PSYC 4281Computational Neuroscience Lab1
PSYC 4290Big Data, Memory and the Human Brain1
PSYC 5390Theoretical and Computational Neuroscience1
VLST 2110Perception1
VLST 2170Visual Neuroscience1